This tool allows you to convert riffs written in standard text format into an ICDb specific format that the database can store and use for rendering to any insturment using any tuning.
A|-----------------0--2--3--| E|--------0--1--3-----------| C|--0--2--------------------| g|--------------------------|   →   >1:0.2:-.3:-.4:2.5:-.6:-.7:4.8:-.9:-.10:5.11:-.12:-.13:7.14:-.15:-.16:9.17:-.18:-.19:11.20:-.21:-.22:12<

1. Select Source Riff's Instrument & Tuning:
blank measures

2. Select Riff's Key:

How to use the Riff Helper

The Riff Helper allows you to convert Standard Riffs to the format needed to store them properly in to the ICDb database.
  1. Select the Instrument/Tuning that the standard riff is representing
  2. Select the Key that the riff is played in
  3. Select the capoed fret (if any)
  4. Enter a name for the riff
  5. Cut-and-paste the standard riff text into the box below
  6. Click the Parse Riff Text button
  7. Cut and paste this text into the Riffs in ICDb Format text box on the arrangement's Edit Lyrics page
The Riff Helper will then parse the standard text and produce one or more output options.

Advanced Option
If you want to hard-code which method to use for a given Tuning, then use this format at the begining of the riff text:
Format      >m{tuningId}={methodNumber}!{tuningId}={methodNumber}.{rest of ICDB formated riff text}
Example   >m1=1!4=1.1:0.2:-.3:-.4:2...
3. The Riff uses a capo at this fret:
4. Enter a Riff Name (ex. Intro Riff):
5. Enter Source Riff's Text:

6. Select these tunings to select an ideal render method for (note, selecting more than 4 or 5 will cause timeouts):
View Common Tunings        View Other Tunings